Internist vs family medicine
Internist vs family medicine that interfere, but
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Note that you should not use nasal decongestant sprays for more than two to three days. Using these medicines just click for source a longer amount jedicine time can lead to rebound congestion when your nose is constantly congested unless you use the medicationaddiction and other side effects, such as nasal dryness and crusting.
Medicines that thin nasal secretions, including guaifenesin Mucinexcan help loosen mucus. Saline nasal sprays can help remove thick nasal secretions and temporarily ease pain. You can also consider flushing your nose with a neti potsyringe or bottle sprayer.
Nasal steroids reduce swelling inside the nose within two internist vs family medicine three days. They're available OTC and by prescription. Clinically reviewed and updated Medifine Sources: 1.
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