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Possible side effects related to antidepressant use include sleep disturbances and sexual dysfunction. Opioid pain medications may be used to treat severe, acute back pain. They are sometimes prescribed after back surgery or to relieve pain from a new injury.

A study found that opioid medications were no more effective at treating chronic back pain than non-opioid medications. They also caused significantly more side effects than non-opioid pain medications. Examples of common opioids include morphine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone. Possible side effects of opioids include gastrointestinal distress, tolerance, abuse, and depression. When used over a long period of time, opioids have been found to also lead to:.

Topical pain relievers like creams, gels, and patches can be applied directly to the skin on the back. Two types of topical pain relievers used for back pain are capsaicin and lidocaine, which are available in creams and patches.

Topical treatments used in conjunction with oral pain medications have a low risk of side effects.

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