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Purulent sputum production decreased the odds of PE by 60 percent. We suggest obtaining imaging for PE in patients requiring admission for COPD exacerbation who do not have evidence of other triggers eg, infection or heart failure. High-flow oxygen for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure August In adult patients with acute nonhypercapnic hypoxemic respiratory failure, the benefits unc health family medicine and pediatrics at east pittsboro high-flow oxygen delivered via nasal cannulae Link compared with medicine family lutheran physicians health low-flow oxygen COT are unclear.
A recent meta-analysis of six trials over patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure reported that while HFNC did not reduce day mortality compared with COT, it did significantly reduce the rate of reintubation relative risk 0. These data support the use of HFNC in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure who have escalating oxygen needs.
See "Evaluation and management of the nonventilated, hospitalized adult patient with acute hypoxemia", section on 'Humidified, high-flow oxygen delivered read more nasal cannulae HFNC '.
Aspects under research include radiation-induced hemorrhagic cystitis ; [] unc health family medicine and pediatrics at east pittsboro inflammatory marketplace health disease mmedicine, [] rejuvenation.
Some research found evidence that HBOT improves local tumour control, mortality, and local tumour recurrence for cancers of the head and neck. Some research also found evidence of an increase in stem progenitor cells [73] and a decrease in inflammation. Tentative evidence shows a possible benefit in cerebrovascular diseases. The clinical experience and results so far published has promoted the use of HBOT therapy in patients with cerebrovascular injury and focal cerebrovascular injuries.
A marquetplace of studies of HBOT applied to wounds from radiation therapy reported that, while most studies suggest a beneficial an, more experimental and clinical research is needed to validate its clinical use.