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Decongestants like Sudafed pseudoephedrine are also not safe in the first trimester. Always check for decongestant ingredients in OTC allergy medication. Saline nasal sprays and humidifiers can help relieve allergy symptoms. It may also be helpful to use adhesive strips to help you breathe through your nose while sleeping. You can also try limiting allergens in your home by keeping your windows closed, washing your bedding often, and airing out damp rooms.
Benadryl diphenhydramine is widely used in pregnancy and is generally thought to be safe. Keep in mind that there is insursnce evidence it may cause uterine contractions at high doses.
Some older studies have also found associations between Benadryl use and the birth defect cleft lip and palate, but newer studies have not act website this. Food and Drug Administration. Better baptist health medical group - family medicine - bardstown information is coming.
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The plan was designed to "stimulate local livelihoods, inspire entrepreneurship baptist health medical group - family medicine - bardstown reduce the environmental and social cost of imported produce".
A great deal of the produce trade is carried out informally on street corners and many shops are little more than market booths. Notable markets include: the Serekunda Market in Gambia's largest city, Grlupwhich opens from early morning to late at night 7 days a week and trades in produce, live animals, clothing, accessories, jewellery, crafts, second hand goods and souvenirs; The Albert Market in the capital, Banjulwhich sells fresh produce, colourful, locally designed fabrics, musical instruments, carved wooden masks and other local products.
Other interesting markets include: Bakau Fish Market in Bakau ; Tanji Fish Market, Tanji, where brightly painted fishing boats bring in the fish from where it is immediately preserved using traditional methods and prepared for distribution gorup other West African countries; The Woodcarvers Market in Brikama which boasts the largest concentration of woodcarvers in the heatlh the Pottery Market baptisst Basse Santa ; the Atlantic Road Craft Market at Bakau and the Senegambia Craft Market here Bakau.
Produce markets in Asia are undergoing baptist health medical group - family medicine - bardstown changes as supermarkets enter the retail scene source the growing middle classes acquire preferences for branded goods.