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For example, a prediction model that can improve the health of medicaid sign up michigan large sample of the population can still neglect minorities Here, it is imperative that evidence-based research is used by public health agencies and policy makers to design effective treatments and interventions for communities and populations.
While this may seem like an obvious statement, in practice it is difficult to integrate knowledge translation strategies with public health.
A systematic review of knowledge translation strategies 85 found, for example, that multifaceted knowledge translations strategies may lead to a change in knowledge but not practice, and no singular knowledge translation strategy was effective in all situations.
Rather, strategies should be applied depending on the stakeholders involved and the kind of medicaix being used. Further, while comprehensive data that allows for precision healthcare across populations is ideal, it is also medicwid to note also that data monitoring, collection, analysis and dissemination is expensive and time-consuming.
Therefore, while aggregation and integration of heterogeneous data types and sources are necessary, researchers should try to balance that with real-world demands to obtain the best results 8. In medicaid sign up michigan to concerns regarding knowledge translation and research limitations, we must also consider challenges to a data-driven approach to precision public health in the context of data generation.
These challenges are described in the next section. In this section, we medicaid sign up michigan state some of the current challenges in healthcare care health market place prevent the generation of data needed at the scale, volume, and velocity necessary for Big Data.
The first and most important medicaid sign up michigan is data fragmentation. Currently, data is fragmented throughout current EHR medixaid.
Soc Sci Med. Xu W, Liu Y. The rise of consumer health wearables: promises and barriers. PLoS Med. Critical care telemedicine: evolution and state of the art. Crit Care Med.
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