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A study notes that ACV may possess some antifungal properties. However, it also notes affordable health care insurance more research is necessary to investigate this further. Click here to learn more about apple cider thank affordable care act sign up valuable and candida.
As with vinegar, there is no direct scientific affordable health care insurance to support using mouthwash to treat toenail fungus. However, some research suggests that mouthwash containing chlorhexidine may have antifungal properties.
It is worth noting insursnce mouthwash containing this ingredient generally requires a prescription in the Insurnce States, healgh a person cannot buy it over the counter. Typically used for seasoning food, garlic may provide some benefit for helping to treat toenail fungus as well.
Though limited, there is some evidence to support this claim. A study notes that garlic extract may display antifungal properties against fungi that can cause toenail infections. However, more research is necessary, and the study suggests using garlic extract alongside common antifungal drugs.
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