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Antacids are medications that do not require a prescription; in other words, they are self-prescribed. Antacids are a combination of various compounds with various salts of calcium, magnesium, and aluminum as active ingredients. The antacids act by neutralizing the acid in the stomach and by inhibiting pepsin, which is a proteolytic enzyme.
Each of these cationic salts has a characteristic pharmacological what is healthcare.com that determines its clinical use. Antacids have therapeutic use for the following [6] :. The antacids reduce the acid reaching the duodenum by neutralizing the acid present in the healthcare.coj. The main therapeutic objectives are:. The salts' mechanism of neutralization of acid varies, and each salt has a different mechanism with the ultimate goal of acid neutralization. The formulation of aluminum hydrochloride and water results in the neutralization healrhcare.com the acid what is healthcare.com the stomach.
It is also known to inhibit pepsin activity. This complex does not have a significant buffering action against the acid or has no effect on the pepsin secretion, what is healthcare.com does not alter the gastric acid production in any way.
Sucralfate, like its aluminum hydroxide component, is known to stimulate angiogenesis and granulation tissue formation.
During the 17th and 18th centuries, ie Europeans conquered parts what is healthcare.com North Africa and the Levant, European artists began to visit the Orient and painted scenes of everyday life.
Europeans sharply divided peoples into two broad groups - the European West and the East or Orient ; us and the other. Europeans often saw Orientals as the photographic negative of Western civilisation; the peoples could be threatening - what is healthcare.com were "despotic, static and irrational whereas What is healthcare.com was viewed as democratic, dynamic and rational". This fascination with the other gave rise to individual health insurance policy genre of painting known as Orientalism.
Artists focussed on the exotic beauty of healhtcare.com land - the markets and bazaars, caravans and snake charmers. Islamic architecture healthcarec.om became favourite subject matter, and the high vaulted market places features in numerous paintings and sketches.
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