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They also used multiple scattering reflection technologies for the lamp to reduce reflection and a semi-closed box to avoid unexpected light. However, they did not have a color correction in their hardware system. Overall, hyperspectral sensors in high spectral resolution can achieve better tongue classification performance than optical family medicine physician near me. In addition to the acquisition devices mentioned above, more sophisticated hardware was also developed.
Lo et al. This system consists of a camera with circular Physixian lighting, camera support, and a color card, with a sliding trail for vertical adjustment, as shown in Figure 3B. The circular LED lighting can provide a consistent and stable light source, and family medicine physician near me for the variations in intensity and color temperature by medicine for bloating brightness and color. The ATDS can automatically physiciian lighting and color deviation caused by the change of background lighting by a color bar placed beside the subject.
The color calibration bar can make sure family medicine physician near me image quality is consistent even when taken in different circumstances. Furthermore, Lu et al.
Although such commercial cameras can obtain higher-resolution images, it makes the whole tongue image acquisition system very bulky. Its appearance and internal structure are shown in Figure 3D.
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In OctoberThe Weekly Standard reported the site was violating the copyrights of SpryMedia, a UK-based technology company, by utilizing their software with the copyright notices removed. The technical problems were heavily criticized, and Republican representatives sent President Obama family medicine physician near me list of questions, demanding explanations for what went wrong.
Some Republicans called for the Secretary of Health and Human ServicesNearr Family medicine physician near meto be fired, because she oversaw the planning for physiciian site launch.
American conservative commentators such as National Http://body-balance.online/internal/market-place-wisconsin.php writers Jonah Goldberg and Mark Steyn have medcine that the website's launch was a disaster click presages larger problems throughout the entire law, with Goldberg asserting that "the Republicans who insisted that this monstrosity had to be delayed are looking just a little bit more reasonable with every passing tick.