New medicine
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New medicine Views: Adele Casanova. Adele Casanova has returned to the Forsyth Magazine team as a writer and account executive. She worked with the magazines from throughall while running her medkcine businesses. Adele has a year history as an entrepreneur in the Triad.
She worked as an independent speaker and trainer in the mid-to-late 90s conducting workshops for many companies in business new medicine skills and professional image.
Adele is a licensed esthetician and ran her own skin spa in Winston-Salem until retiring from working full time as new medicine business owner. She loves having time now for gardening, traveling, reading and volunteering for local non-profits.
Having been a small business owner, Adele has great enw for other small check this out owners and loves to medicne their successes in the magazines.
She loves to write and has been published in several triad magazines over the years. She has two wonderful grown children and especially loves spending quality time with them. Subscribe to New medicine Newsletter.
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