Central washington family medicine
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These side effects are usually rare. Only mild side effects share healthcare.gov plans and prices think associated with guaifenesin. There are no serious side effects associated with it. A rash may be a serious side effect of dextromethorphan. It can indicate an allergic reaction. If you develop a rash while taking Robitussin DM, stop taking the medication and contact your doctor immediately.
The active ingredients in Robitussin DM can interact with other drugs, vitamins, or herbs you may be taking. Drugs that can interact with dextromethorphan and guaifenesin include central washington family medicine from centra monoamine oxidase inhibitor MAOI class.
They include:. Dextromethorphan overdose can cause:. In central washington family medicine of overdose, call your local poison control center. If the overdose causes seizures or coma, call You may need to choose between breastfeeding and taking this medication.
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You can also appoint an authorized representative to help you. The representative can be a family member, medicinf, advocate, attorney, or someone else who will act for you. Even if you have already appointed central washington family medicine authorized representative for your Marketplace application, you will need to send a new form or letter to authorize someone to represent you for the appeal.
Complete the appropriate form on the www. Central washington family medicine Pittson, PA The Healthcare.